
If you, your child or young person are struggling, I can provide a safe and supportive space.

Dramatherapy is an expressive form of psychotherapy that uses action methods, such as DRAMA, STORY AND PLAY. It offers alternative and creative ways of communicating and understanding what is often difficult to put into words. It can be experienced as an individual, in a family group or in a large group. Dramatherapy is accessible to all and you do not need any previous experience in drama or theatre to benefit from this approach.

Dramatherapy has two elements:

  • The Dramatic explores the creative and spontaneous potential of the body and mind, through working with drama-related techniques.

  • The Therapeutic allows the psychological needs of the individual or group to be identified and worked through in a safe and supportive environment and in a non-directive manner.

Since ancient times the arts have provided an outlet for people’s feelings and emotions, helping them express themselves and relate to others. Using creative play is a completely natural way to resolve internal and external conflicts and gain an understanding of oneself and others.

Dramatherapy bypasses the usual over-reliance on words and the internal voice. Instead, with expert facilitation, it frees us to achieve a greater understanding of self and relationships, using the body, voice and imagination.

Playful yet profound, it is a process as suitable for adults (as individuals, parents or within organisations) as it is for children or adolescents to explore alternative ways of being and, ultimately, to thrive.

It’s vital to carry out a thorough assessment of the problem first with you or you and your child.  This may be one session or it may be several.  Consistency helps to build a trusting relationship between the therapist and client, improving the positive outcomes.

Sessions will be held at the child's school or my private practice in Guildford.

Some of the techniques used in dramatherapy are:

  • Therapeutic storytelling.

  • Enactment of stories.

  • Life story.

  • Voice and music.

  • Dance and movement.

  • Drawing/painting.

  •  Messy play (sand, water, paint, clay, glue).


Get In Touch

For more information or to book your free 20 minute consultation get in touch today.

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